Posted in Dogs, Food

Flavored Yogurt

Mar 2016

Our dogs love yogurt (any human food really) I wanted to make them some flavored ice-cream for the summer. I looked up some recipes and found one for flavored yogurt that I liked. I was already making pomegranate juice for our son who was 7 months old at the time and the dogs liked pomegranate too. I hung the plain yogurt to drain out most of the whey (which I drank), then I mixed in the pomegranate juice until we all liked the taste. Then I froze the mixture. It crystallized a little and was hard because of the juice but it tasted really good and we all enjoyed it.

For flavors we really like pomegranate and banana. Watermelon didn’t really work out and I was worried about sour fruits curdling the yogurt. I guess that might be a silly concern but haven’t tried it out yet. I will probably come back with more flavors soon.


After 5 years and 4 months of co-operate customer service, I quit to start a home business with yarn craft and dog food along with being a new mother.

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