Posted in Dogs, Food

Peanut and Bacon Paste

Nov 2015

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This is the first thing I made for my puppy. She didn’t like peanuts whole but liked the paste for a little while. After she lost taste for the plain peanut paste I added bacon to it and that is still a hit. I give it to the dogs on its own or between biscuits that we buy for them or some of the ones I bake. I tried using it to make biscuits but still haven’t figured out a good recipe so I gave up.

We buy raw peanuts that I roast in the oven, peel and then process into a paste with fried bacon strips (1 slice of bacon for every 500 grams of peanuts) in my food processor. The trick is to avoid over roasting the peanuts as that can dry out the oil and you will have crumbs rather than paste (you can add some butter to make it into paste if you want). Although the dogs don’t seem to mind either crumbs or paste. The paste stores really well in a reused London Dairy container that I make sure is properly closed all the time. I’ve yet to see it get spoiled, although sometimes the oil seeps out a little and forms a layer around the edge of the container, you can give the whole thing a stir to reincorporate it. I don’t like peanuts otherwise I’d be eating it too.


After 5 years and 4 months of co-operate customer service, I quit to start a home business with yarn craft and dog food along with being a new mother.

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